Thursday, May 05, 2005

Saw Lilian Too

I was walking past Hyatt Hotel yesterday evening when I noticed two Tibetan monks standing outside the hotel lobby. So naturally I tried to check out who is showing these monks around. And lo, behold! It's Lilian Too, the world's best selling author on Feng Shui! Pity I didn't muster enough courage to walk up and say hi. Later I went back to Hyatt Hotel's lobby to wait for my wife but didn't see Lilian Too again. Probably because I don't know how to introduce myself to her and also the monks. How do you greet someone in Tibetan language? Or maybe they understand Mandarin? Hmm...I've been studying Feng Shui intensely for the past few months. And have read all the Lilian Too's books I can get my hands on. I think I am at the intermediate level and good enough to give advice to people on Feng Shui already. Hehehe... Learned Feng Shui many years ago from my Daoist teacher but I didn't take it seriously since I was very young back then. So, in a way I am not new to Feng Shui, thus making my recent study very much a breeze...

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