Friday, December 10, 2004

Extracts from the article: The Mysteries of Mantra

Extracts from the article: The Mysteries of Mantra - Transformation by Conscious Sound by Muz Murray

Medical researchers in Paris have found that certain repetitive sounds played to cancer cells will eventually destroy them. This is a fascinating breakthrough, for all involved in sound-work. Over the past few years, having had several cancer patients in my mantra workshops, I have begun to receive letters from those who have been able to avoid operations after the effects of a workshop. One lady who was due for a mastectomy soon after a mantra workshop found the malignant growth had diminished after the five-days of chanting, so that the operation was deemed unnecessary. Five years later she is still chanting and still has her breasts. Another woman with cancer of the throat and barely able to speak had a remission and stabilisation with improved ability to speak afterwards. Clearly something powerful is in operation here.

If lifeless repetitive electronic sound can make cancer cells disintegrate in the laboratory, how much more effective the living sound of one’s own voice can be in toning the cells with the repetitive vibration of healing. Mantra is known for its vibrant pulsation of subtle healing frequencies which purify both mind and body. Because of its capacity to resonate in consciousness, it is considered by the great sages as the most efficacious method of unburdening the subconscious and cleansing it of residual traumas.

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