Sunday, September 17, 2006

Meditating in the morning

I have always done my meditation at night before I sleep. But each time I have a deep meditation session, the adequate rest I get from it would keep me wide awake after that. It would take me a long time before I get drowsy enough to enter never never land. As a result, I can get rather drained out in the next morning. Another concern is the fact that I would be very tired after a hard day at the office. Meditation is the last thing to do since most of the time, I would simply doze off amid the process. In the end, I only manage to squeeze once or two times of meditation per week.

But recently, I tried waking up early in the morning to meditate and voila! It works... Here's the reason why it is better to meditate in the morning:

1. When you just wake up, your brain will still linger along the alpha level for awhile before switching to the beta mode, which is the frequency we experience when going about our daily activites. During meditation, we will enter the alpha state most of the time and for well-trained individuals, they may even enter the delta level. So meditating just after you wake up is easier since your brain is already in the alpha mode.

2. You wouldn't doze off so easily since you already had a night's rest. And for this reason, I now can meditate 5 times a week instead of the previous 1-2 times.

3. It charges you up, ready to meet the challenges ahead for the rest of the day.

4. You will not be late for work since you are already out of bed much earlier than usual.

Try it to feel the difference...


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