Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra as an Astrological Remedy

Revered as one of the oldest mantra in Vedas, the Mahamrityunjaya mantra, is a verse from Rig Veda, and addresses the Rudra avatar of Lord Shiva.

The followings are what many teachers said about it and especially its use as a Vedic astrological remedy.

“To avert unexpected accidents and dangers to life, for living a long life, incidentally to cure fatal diseases and to have a peaceful end, while suffering in death bed.”
       Swami Shantananda Puri, Infallible Vedic Remedies Mantras for Common-Problems

“Some misfortunes overtake us and we can surmount misfortunes. A very powerful mantra to overcome misfortunes is Mrityunjaya Mantra. Why not add this to daily worship?”
Shri K.N. Rao, one of world’s most prominent Indian astrologers, Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time.

“… The Mrityunjaya Mantra to Lord Shiva is used specifically to ward off calamities, including those caused by the planets.”
                               David Frawley, Ayurvedic Astrology

“The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is the most important Vedic mantra for healing body and mind and for dealing with all negativity and suffering possible in life, whether from other people, wild animals, the forces of nature or spiritual forces… Reciting this chant helps to remove negative karmas in life – particularly those owing to the planetary influences of the malefic planet Saturn.”
David Frawley, Inner Tantric Yoga: Working with the Universal Shakti: Secrets of Mantras, Deities and Meditation

“The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra forms a protective shield around the soul… In cases of disease, impending disaster or imminent death, the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is often prescribed.”
       Linda Johnsen, A Thousand Suns: Designing Your Future with Vedic Astrology

“The great Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh gave great praise to this mantra: he said that the Maha Mrityunjaya is a life-giving mantra that wards off death by accidents of all descriptions, and has a great curative effect, including diseases pronounced incurable by doctors, when chanted with sincerity, faith and devotion.”
Stephen Sturgess, The Supreme Art and Science of Raja and Kriya Yoga: The Ultimate Path to Self-Realisation.

“The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is undertaken for longevity and good health… It is considered one of the most potent healing mantras in the world… It is efficacious for relief of a wide variety of chronic illnesses, including immune system problems.”
Thomas Ashley-Ferrand, an expert in mantra-based spiritual disciplines, Healing Mantras

“When I learned this mantra from Shri Rao (KN Rao), he emphasized that its power is a result of having been made potent by the sages and saints of India who have chanted it over a period of thousands of years.”

Marc Boney, an internationally renowned astrological teacher, Graha Shanti

“The power of this mantra is that you have the ability to protect and to send it to others as well, to help heal others. And time and space don’t matter. You can send it to the people around the globe; you can also send it to people who are your relatives or ancestors.”
“As you do this mantra you can close your eyes and allow an image of a person, place or being to come into your mind and you can send that mantra and its vibration to that person, place or being.”
Simon Chokoisky, a Vedic astrologer based in United States, Mahā Mṛtyuñjaya Mantra
 “In the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, sage Parashara prescribes the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra as an astrological remedial measure on at least 24 separate occasions. For instance, in Chapter 55 verse 52 he says, “In this critical period, with the recitation (japa) of Mrityunjaya mantra the evil effects will get mellowed down (reduced) with the blessings of Lord Shiva.”"
      Vaughn Paul Manley, Benefits of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
More extracts from the Brihat Parsara Hora Sastra:
Chapter 47, Effects of Dasas, Effects of the Dasa of Venus, Line 88-89:
"If Venus be lord of the 2nd or the 7th (two maraka houses), there will be during his Dasa, physical pains and troubles. To get alleviation from those troubles the native should perform Shatarudreeya or Mrityunjaya Japa in the prescribed manner and give in charity a cow or female buffalo".

Chapter 56, Effects of the Antardasa of Ketu in the Dasa of Jupiter, Line 37-38:

“There will be physical distress if Ketu be the lord of the 2nd or the7th (or in the 2nd or the 7th). The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects, is performance of Mrityunjaya Japa in the prescribed manner.”

Prasna Marga, another classical work on Vedic astrology, both natal and horary also mentioned this mantra:

Mrityunjaya Homa is indeed the panacea for any type of diseases. The feeding and worship of Brahmins as an auxiliary to all Homas is also recommended. Mrityunjaya Mantra gives relief to intermittent and all baneful influences of evil spirits and it even conquers death. Severe illness, dangerous abhicharas, madness, fainting and fits and other diseases can all be got rid off by performing Mrityunjaya Japa for 8000 times. Whenever this 'Homa' is performed a number of Brahmins equal to the number suggested for the Homa must be fed and worshipped.”
Lastly, in her book Vedic Secrets to Happiness, Anne Beversdorf recommended this mantra as a remedy for those with a weak or afflicted Moon, Jupiter, Saturn as well as those charts with affliction caused by Rahu. 

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