Friday, February 15, 2008

Who is Master Raymond Lo (卢恒立)?


1997年之后,由于他在风水界名气越来越大,看风水的业务越来越多,他才辞去公职,成为一名全职风水师。在香港,与其他风水师相比,他的优势是显而易见的: 他精通英文,上过大学,学过经济,做过经理,不仅熟悉西方的星象学,而且了解西方哲学和文化。


Master Lo was born to a couple who moved from Guandong to Hong Kong and was the only son in a family of four. Subsequently he was educated in an English school in Hong Kong, choosing a social science degree specialising in economics while at university.

Initially, Master Lo’s interest in Feng Shui was borne out of a curiosity for anything connected with Chinese metaphysics some 20 plus years ago. He has since spent much of his time studying the Classics as well as private tuition with the ‘old masters’ of Hong Kong. However, things changed when he met Master Suen, an expert from mainland China who had a good understanding of metaphysics and theory. Master Suen emphasized the importance of logic and guided Master Lo to apply this logic to his practice of Feng Shui.

His research and personal perseverance in Feng Shui has earned him his reputation as a Feng Shui master who predicts accurately. His professionalism and expertise has led to his increasing popularity and has put him on a global lecture circuit to countries like Germany, Switzerland, London, America and Australia where he also conducts courses.

Finally, you can watch a video of Master Raymond Lo here:

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