Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Feng Shui of Marina Bay Intergrated Resort

It's a bad job done. It's definitely not authentic Feng Shui but I read in the Chinese newspapers that the geomancer was paid a hefty sum of money for his service. Please zoom in the picture to read the article and also the pointers I have added to the pictures. The three towers were said to be the mountains providing a strong support and the three main event centers to represent three Chinese coins (what?!). The structure on the left of the picture which is supposed to be in the shape of a lotus flower was designed so as to appease the 妈姐 Ma Jies (who have broken their vows and punished by death) who died along this coastline, based on the Buddhist values attributed to the lotus flower. (Yah right...).

Can't believe big corporations are willing to pay that kind of $$$ for questionable Feng Shui theories...I have never heard of the guy before and thus do not know of his credibility. His name is 张传力 but intensive search on the Net found no information about him at all. The newspaper said that he was a Feng Shui consultant for some international corporations especially in Europe.

I have read a interview with Master Tan Khoon Yong about his comments on the IR and he said that it is a beneficial design and further elaborated the feng shui analysis in the same line as the one given by 张传力 above. Hmmm, maybe I am not skilled enough to understand their analysis and interpretation. But I do notice that there is a excessive focus on the symbolic meaning in their interpretation. Yes, we do use symbols in Feng Shui but the key aspect is still the manipulation of Qi, otherwise it would have been a form of psychological studies.

The Chinese newpaper is here:

Alvin Chua

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