Sunday, October 29, 2006

Interesting Post from

Below is a post in the website's forum, in which a member by the nickname of Mint commented about her experiences of engaging the service of a local Feng Shui master:

Posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 11:12 am:

Hi all,
I had a very bad experience with Master Koh Pu Lin and find that he's a con-man. We paid him and he never called back to do a follow-up as promised. We were so angry. Then he still had the cheek to ask us for donations. Later I got another geomancer and realised that Koh Pu Lin had given us the wrong directions of our house. He said that my main door faces north but in actual fact, it faces south. Can't believe this, a geomancer can actually get simple directions like this wrong and he's still so famous. Famous con-man more like it.

When he came to my house, he was very rude. We asked him if we could hack down a wall because we wanted to do open concept, he just said no without giving proper explanations. When I asked him again if we could hack it, he said, "when I say no, you just listen and dun ask so much". Can't believe he was so rude. He even said that we cannot sleep in our master bedroom and have to move out of the house after five years. He even ask us to put an umbrella stand at our front door. Lillian Too's basic feng shui already mentions that cannot put umbrellas at the front door and he's supposed to be a well-known geomancer. He didn't even use a luo pan when checking the directions of my house. He just used a normal compass and said that my door faces north. I was quite sure it faced south because I checked it with the Lillian Too's compass many times before buying the unit.

Later on, I got another geomancer and he explained to me that I should not hack down the wall because my wealth will fly out. My geomancer also said that the house is good for me and my hubby and that we should stay here long-term. Of course my geomancer was shocked when he heard that KPL asked us to put umbrella at the front door.

Anyway, I wasted money by getting that KPL. Consider it as "po4 qian2 xiao1 zhai1"

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