Mr Marc Boney is a well-known Vedic astrologer in the U.S, trained under the school of KN Rao. He is one of my favorite authors on Vedic Astrology books. Prior to learning Vedic Astrology, he was practicing Western Astrology for over 20 years. Despite the years of giving consultations, he was unable to predict much and had to resort to ‘psychology astrology’, which is much easier to do (due to the 'Barnum Effects').
Below is the extract from one of his books, where he talks about this admittedly:
‘I was once an astrological fraud. Although I had been
practicing Western astrology for some twenty years, I could not reliably and consistently
predict events. The only redeeming feature in this was that I was an honest
fraud. I told those who asked to consult with me that if it was event
prediction that they were looking for they were talking to the wrong person.
Instead I became adept at delineating personality dynamics through the birth
chart and shied away from the predictive side. Of course, I did speak about
what potentials for development certain major transits represented, but I
refused to speculate about likely events. I told myself this was mostly because
I didn’t want to condition people's minds in a harmful way, as astrological
predictions sometimes do. But if the truth were known, it was mostly because I
never felt confident enough in my ability to do so. I received good feedback on
this type of consultation, which was more "astro-psychologizing" than
predictive astrology.’
Alvin Chua