Friday, December 30, 2011

The Hour Pillar in your Bazi Could be Wrong

Hi all,

Do you know that the Hour Pillar in your Bazi could be wrong if you are born in Singapore?
Singapore have adjusted the national time a couple of times since 1950s, hence, the accuracy of your birth hour could be undermined since being born in each different decade in Singapore's history would mean a wrong hour instead of what is indicated in your birth certificate.

The following article will shed some light on this:

Regards and Happy New Year
Alvin Chua

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dynamic Meditation of Luangpor Teean

Today, I would like to introduce a very effective method of meditation called Dynamic Meditation. It is sometimes also known as Rhythmic Meditation or Mahasati Meditation. It is a method that uses a sequence of hand movements to focus the mind, very different from the typical way of which stillness is the keystone.

I have tried it and find it highly suitable for the urban dwellers since you can really achieve the stillness of the mind in a shorter time than the conventional methods. There is less time wasted on the mind wandering during practice.

Someone even did a University Thesis on this method of meditation.

It is a way that is simple to learn and practise.
The following links will provide you the necessary background knowledge as well as the instructions:

Alvin Chua

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bed Against the Stove

In feng shui for the bedroom, one of the major taboos would be to position the bed with the headboard sharing the same wall with the stove directly on the other side.
Anyone sleeping on such a bed location will become impatient and short-tempered over time.

Thus, it came to me as a surprise when I watched a documentary about Northern rural China, where it is a norm in certain villages to deliberately position their bed this way. This is because of the cold temperature they experience most part of the year. By having the bed behind the stove, the warmth created after cooking will help to warm their bed before their bedtime. Since they use wood as the fuel, the smouldering can provide warm throughout the night.

Hence, in their environment, this feng shui taboo has lost its significance and instead providede a more conducive living condition. Very interesting.

Alvin Chua

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Feng Shui Shops no biz...

In the last few years I have seen a handful of feng shui shops, selling feng shui paraphernalia, cures and offering consultation services by their in-house masters, all closed down after a few years of bad business.

Yesterday, I saw another feng shui shop in town area, located in a recently opened shopping mall. I was surprised that the owner chose to open his branch here since the mall is known to be a flop since day 1. There are no customers at all and rental is not going to be cheap in town area. It will probably fold once the lease is up.

All these make me question about the validity of feng shui applications for retail businesses. After doing some extensive research about it, it seems that feng shui theories used for commercial premises is a rather recent development. The earliest record I can find is a theme park in Shanghai built in 1916, where a fengshui master was consulted in the building of the place. In fact, up to the 1960s, feng shui was used solely for Yang Zhai (town planning, residential dwellings, basically buildings for non-commercial basis) and Yin Zhai (burial places). It was only after the Cultural Revolution, in the early 1970s when feng shui became a primary concern of businesses growing during the post-unrest economic boom. So to say, feng shui being applied to retail businesses has less than a century of history and developments.

Alvin Chua

Monday, October 03, 2011

A simple prayer to the Di Ji Zhu (地基主)

Conducted a prayer to the Di Ji Zhu (地基主) at a client's new home today. After which a space cleansing ritual was conducted.

Hope all will be well and blessed for the new occupants of the house.

Alvin Chua

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Case Study - Period 6, 3 Room HDB Flat

The following was a recent case I attended. The house is a 3-room HDB built in the late 1970s and the couple moved in 1986 when they tied the knots. As it is an old flat, getting a copy of the floor plan was not easy since most people who bought their flats in the 80s don’t really see the need to have one.

The house has a 9 Facing Star located at its main entrance, which is excellent in terms of prosperity. But this is true during the current period 8. The couple moved in Period 7 and thus the auspiciousness of Star 9 was not strong enough to be of any benefit.

Unfortunately, there are a few serious flaws of the house that undermines the feng shui even further. First, the bedroom has a 2-5 combo at the room’s door and the bed was locate in the 3-6 sector, with the quarrelsome 3 Sitting Star activated.

The sector representing the male owner’s was severely drained and the sector representing the female owner was weakened by the Wood element (a big tree, this unit is on the 6th floor but you can see canopy of the tree from the living room).

Marital woes started in 1990 onwards and eventually ended in estrangement and finally divorce.


Alvin Chua

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Birth Month Suggests Career Path -- Science & Technology --

The recent study in UK suggests that being born in certain months will determine the career paths as well as potential health problems. Maybe this is why in Bazi, the month is always the most important aspect.

Birth Month Suggests Career Path -- Science & Technology --

Monday, August 08, 2011


今天上网看易学文章之余, 看到了这个故事,非常有道理:

佛印禅师与苏东坡同游灵隐寺,来到观音菩萨的的像前,佛印禅师合掌礼拜。忽然,苏东坡问了一个问题,“人人皆念观世音菩萨,为何他的手上也和我们样,挂着一串念珠?观世音菩萨念谁?”佛印禅师:“念观世音菩萨。” 苏东坡:“为何亦念观世音菩萨?”佛印禅师:“他比我们更清楚,求人不如求己。”

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

A Feng Shui training recently attended

A photo taken with my latest teacher (my 4th one), Mr Wilson Heng from True Yijing Training Center. Definitely have improved my perspective on feng shui analysis. The truth is learning feng shui is a lifetime process.

Alvin Chua

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Science Lesson on Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field

Do you know that our planet's magnetic field is in a constant state of change?

This fact may not even be known to a lot of feng shui practitioners.

Fortunately, we have in our modern times, Google maps and satellite images for us to make a comparison and check the deviations. The generic directions can still be determined with fair accuracy.

However, if you are talking about zooming right down to a degree or two, then I shall wish you good luck. The reason being the reading you have taken may have deviated a degree or two over just a few years and Google satellite images can’t give you that level of precision. Hence , you can see, this fact can in some ways undermine the very soundness of certain feng shui methodologies.

Below are some extracts from an article published by NASA:

“Scientists have long known that the magnetic pole moves. James Ross located the pole for the first time in 1831 after an exhausting arctic journey during which his ship got stuck in the ice for four years. No one returned until the next century. In 1904, Roald Amundsen found the pole again and discovered that it had moved--at least 50 km since the days of Ross.”

The pole kept going during the 20th century, north at an average speed of 10 km per year, lately accelerating to 40 km per year…”

“Earth's magnetic field is changing in other ways, too: Compass needles in Africa, for instance, are drifting about 1 degree per decade. And globally the magnetic field has weakened 10% since the 19th century.”


Alvin Chua

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quote of the day

Nothing to blog about metaphysics but rather a beautiful quote to share:

"If you are right then there is no need to get angry
And if you are wrong then you don't have any right to get angry".

Alvin Chua

Monday, July 11, 2011

Giok Hong Tien Temple in Havelock Road

I was going to pray at this temple today but unfortunately it was closed. It seems that it is close on weekends. I used to pray here every year during Chinese New Year since I will visit one of my aunts that was staying in that area but I don't recall it to be a weekday or weekend. Anyway, this temple is said to be the oldest Chinese temple in Singapore and has many tales about it.

Let me share with you a secret: It is said that couples who want to conceive can have their wish granted after praying in this temple.

The following is an amazing account of the miraculous power the deities manifested:









Saturday, July 09, 2011

History of the 4 Directional Animals and 28 Constellation

A must-watch Chinese documentary for all serious feng shui enthusiasts on the origins of the 4 Animals Concepts (Green Dragon, White Tiger, etc) and also the 28 constellations. I have watched it a few times and feel that it is a pity not to share this excellent video.


Saturday, May 21, 2011


New Lu Ban feng shui ruler apps in Iphone... What the...?

Anyway, you can still see some feng shui masters using this ruler (not the apps but the actual thing) but can it be trusted?

古人使用的鲁班尺和时下流行的鲁班尺有何区别?古籍记载,“鲁班尺乃有曲尺一尺四寸四分,其尺间有八寸,一寸准曲尺一寸八分。”“曲尺” 即古代木工匠师用木工尺,其长度与历代朝廷工部颁布的营造尺相同。因明清时期的营造尺长32厘米,故鲁班尺的长度为46.08厘米,鲁班尺每寸为5.76 厘米。古代流传下来的鲁班尺并不多见,北京故宫博物院收藏有一把鲁班尺,长46厘米,与古籍记载的鲁班尺长度非常接近。



Alvin Chua

Friday, May 20, 2011










到了一九七九年,凱悅酒店的生意越來越好,必須擴充業務,便買下毗鄰旁邊的一塊土地,建造新廈與舊廈相通。到了一九八四年,擴建工程完成時,才想起宏船大師當年的吩咐很有道理,因為所留下的出口,正是新廈與舊廈相通的地方。於是大家都奇怪,難道宏船法師早已預知凱悅酒店必會擴充業務,而且會買下 Nutmeg的那一塊地?

以後我到新加坡去,每當路過普覺寺時,腦海中便會泛現宏船法師那張慈祥笑咪咪的臉孔,不禁雙手合什,暗誦法號。 (全篇完)


阴宅地理师的部落格 Blog of a Yin Feng Shui Master

Hi, for those into Yin Zhai (feng shui for burial), I have the following blog to recommend. It belongs to a Taiwanese Yin Feng Shui Master and he shares alot of the cases he encounters in his work. Interesting read.

Alvin Chua

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Buddhism Stand on the Practice of Divination

Saw this Q & A on a Chinese website on Buddhism, so I posted here:



Tuesday, April 12, 2011


申子辰见巳, 亥卯未见申, 寅午戌见亥, 巳酉丑见寅.

查法: 以年柱或日柱为主, 四柱地支见之者为是.


为忌神:性刚暴好妒, 奸猾狡诈, 常招凶灾。

The following bazi contains a Jie Sha in the month pillar.

The DM is a weak Ren Water thus the Jie Sha is a unfavorable element. When a Jie Sha happens to be an unfavorable element, the person is said to be deceptive, jealous, aggressive and stricken by frequent mishaps. Pls note that Jie Sha is not always bad if it is favorable. So what is this person actually like in real life?

He is always jealous of his colleagues who got promoted and complains to others about it.

He has serious mood swings and blatantly displays it in his actions and speech when he is angry.

He has no respect for his superior at work and resigns immediately when he was given a poor appraisal for it.

He likes to gamble and goes around borrowing money. For colleagues who refused to lend him any money, he is said to have tried to sabotage them in their work.

Debt collecting companies actually called up his workplace to ask him for payments which he defaulted.

Monday, March 28, 2011



按家乡传说,杨救贫先师上山点穴定向只用拐杖、十字线,所以就有倒杖法、十字天心法传世。当须选吉日时才用罗盘(应是水罗盘或土圭,据说是玉石罗盘,要四 个人才能抬得动)定方向。而且,杨公之前,罗盘也只标有十二地支,八干四维是杨公后加的。当他发现罗盘磁北与日晷北有7.5度的偏角时,才又增加了天盘廿 四山。所以杨公当时应该是只用天盘(地北)格龙定山立向消砂纳水的。那时哪有什么人盘72龙120分金384爻和365.4度等,这些都是后人加的。
磁北极距地理北极大约相差1500km. 在一天中磁北极的位置也是不停的变动,它的轨迹大致为一椭圆形,磁北极平均每天向北移40m。
北京 6°05'(西)
成都 1°09'(西)
重庆 1°45'(西)
桂林 1°50'(西)
南京 4°59'(西)
昆明 0°57'(西)
拉萨 0°12'(西)
齐齐哈尔 9°48'(西)
天津 5°40'(西)
哈尔滨 9°51'(西)
济南 4°51'(西)
西安 2°30'(西)
长春 9°14'(西)
兰州 1°33'(西)
徐洲 4°52'(西)
西宁 1°00'(西)
沈阳 8°05'(西)
太原 4°12'(西)
拉萨 0°12'(东)
乌鲁木齐 3°05'(东)
因为磁北是运动的,且各地区的磁偏角又不同,所以用磁北定方向其准确度可靠性就值得怀疑。当时定的爻度,久后其爻度定会移位,那其吉凶是否与前同论?此地 定的方位,其理论如有准,那异地因磁偏角不同,其理论是否同样适用?自古至今,风水理学之纠缠不休,也许此为主要原因之一吧。所以用磁北方位的理气理论就 值得重新检讨。

以上十二个条件,有一个出现微小误差,罗盘所示爻度的准确性就会大有影响。因此在市场上买十个罗盘,就会有七八个不合标准。有些可以(使用前或使用中)自 己修整调校(方法另文详述),有些则无法修整调校。所以一般的罗盘能有99%的准确就阿弥陀佛了。谁又敢说自己用的罗盘100%准确?还有,在使用中,十 字线的粗细,罗盘的大小,罗盘水平的放置,附近金属、电流的影响等,都将影响罗盘的准确性。

以前血葬,钻洞的,立座以棺木的前板来校罗盘。挖圹的,以棺材顶的中线来校罗盘。谁能保证尸骨的方向与棺材的方向完全一致?从益福堂以往检金实例来看,大 部分头骨都会移位,那其按棺材定的方向可信吗?检金迁葬的,以头骨与尾椎为直线定方向,排金葬还好些,金缸葬谁能保证金骨方向准确无误,不移位?很多有风 煞之地,翻棺倒椁都有之,那先定的方向又有何用?现在骨灰葬,那骨灰乱成一堆,那有何方向?方形骨灰盒还好测,有的用圆形骨灰盒,那方向在哪?虽然在盖上 有前后标示,那两个字能定出爻度吗?


Thursday, March 17, 2011


I came across this Taiwan legend of a spiritual medium from a temple named Xing Ling Si, who uses his supernatural abilities to enter hell during the Taiwanese 228 Rebellion in 1947. Very interesting and this story was made the theme of a album by Taiwanese Black Metal called Chthonic 闪灵. Here is the story and also the music video (this song is in Taiwanese, or Hokkien as we know it in Singapore. Pls don't watch if you can't stand metal music).

十殿 故事摘要






在千千 萬萬 億億 兆兆年,接近永恆的時刻,地獄所有生命體的靈魂都已服刑完畢、六道輪迴中的鬼、神、修羅也灰飛煙滅,孽鏡終於不再映照出任何生命體,正源成為宇宙間最後的一個靈魂,在孽境前 慢 慢 消 逝,結束了他的刑期。

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yang Ren (Star of Aggression) Example

I encountered a rather impatient and inquisitive lady during my work today and I can’t help but wonder if looking at the bazi can I see any clue to her edgy nature.

乙 丙 甲
亥 寅 子

She is a strong DM thus Wood is an unfavorable element and the month branch happens to be her Yang Ren (Star of Aggression) and of the Wood element. Such an unfavorable star will make the person impatient, hostile and bossy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friendly Neighbors or Good Feng Shui?

Think about this, having good Feng Shui is one thing but having good neighbors is hard to come by. And no, I am not referring to just your neighbor living opposite. Those living above, below or next to your (apartment) unit will also count.

If you ask me, I would say that having good neighbors weigh more than having good Feng Shui. Why?

It is because a nasty neighbor can turn your new home into a living hell. Think Joo Chiat…

Feng shui can remedy the bad vibes in your house but it’s not going have much effect on what is going on externally. Imagine your neighbor’s dog pooing on your doorstep as his daily modus operandi or loud banging by the one living above you every day after midnight. You may call the cops but there is only little of what they can do to resolve the problems. Think Joo Chiat again…

So next time you go house hunting, don’t forget to see who your neighbors are.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Dhamma Brothers

I would like to recommend a great movie about practice of meditation and how hard core prisoners have their life changed from it.

A truly inspiring movie...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unusual Graves in Singapore

3 video clips about unusual graves in Singapore. Very interesting:


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The History of the Tongshu 通書

Be it wedding date selection or opening of a new business, the traditional feng shui master will always refer to the Tong Shu 通書 or Tong Sheng 通勝.

But how much do you know about this book?

Watch this very informative show (in Cantonese) to know its history:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hanging of the Red Sash at Your Entrance (红彩) for Chinese New Year

Since the Chinese New Year is approaching, many of you will be decorating your home with all the auspicious symbols and calligraphic pictures. Some of you may even be hanging the Hong Cai 红彩 (red sash) over the main entrance to usher in the New Year.

But before you do that, check that your main entrance is not located in the North or East Sector of the whole unit. If it does, then you should avoid hanging the red sash or else you may end up activating the Illness energy 二黑病星 (North in Year 2011) or Calamity energy 五黄凶星 (East in Year 2011).

So check your compass before you do so.

Happy Chinese New Year. Gong Xi Gong Xi...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Exorcism, Singapore-style

Watch the following videos of Master Chew in action (3 parts):
