Collections of my learning journey in the last 18 years (since 2004) of Feng Shui, Bazi, Meditation, Vedic astrology. 人为善,福虽未至,祸已远离。人为恶,祸虽未至,福已远离。 Find me on Facebook: Alvin's Vedic Sky
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Feng Shui is plain Superstition!
" For a believer, no amount of evidence is required.
For a non-believer, no amount of evidence is adequate".
Which side of the fence you stand will be dependent on your personal experiences and convictions. Probing deeper, you realised that debate is actually not about whether Feng Shui is science or not but instead rooted in one's prejudice. Faced with a hardcore skeptic, laying out all possible explantions of Feng Shui from a scientific perspective will only get yourself being scoffed at. Period.
Warm Regards
Alvin Chua
Sunday, October 28, 2007
作者: 刘立强
关 于八宅派风水,可说是流传最广的一门,但其危害也是最广最深的。很多人以杨公真传人自居,每见于此,我不觉失笑,杨公真传?反正杨公早就仙逝了,你爱怎么 说就怎么说,但流传的杨公其理论是非常粗浅的,可谓漏洞百出,故后学者多白首而不得灵验妙法。《八宅通书》、《阳宅三要》、《八宅周书》、《八宅明镜》为 古代八宅经典著作,立论相同,皆漏洞百出,致使后学者,错上传错,贻害甚广。
广为流传的八宅 派虽错误百出,但并非全部都错,其有周易八卦为根基轮廓,河图洛书为佐,其立论根基是正确的,只是在具体操作上走进了难以弥补的误区!根据八宅派的理论依 据--周易八卦、河图洛书,我创立了一套相对完善的改运技术,从2000年开始研究,到今年也7年多了,理论上已经基本成型,实践案例也多如牛毛,应验率 很高,而且见效极快,很多布局的朋友当天或第二天效果即可显现。因为我创立的改运技术和八宅派的立论根据基本相同,故而也算八宅派的一支。
我创立的新八宅派的基本理论:按人出生的日子来划分东西四命,再配合八 宅游星的流年、流月运转等来进行环境调整,效果奇佳!为何要按人出生的日子来划分东西命呢?传统子平八字预测中以日干代表自己,实际上日干支只是代表自己 住的家,而不是真正的自己,但是可以理解成大自己,所以传统子平八字都用日干代表自己来预测。每当日干支受到冲合的时候家就要变了,搬家或装修、盖房等, 调阳宅风水主要是调自己住的地方,当然要找个代表自己家的来划分东西四命了,那就是日干支了,那么到底是用日干还日支来划分呢?这个就留给爱好者自己思考 吧,否则我都点破了,爱好者也学不深,养成思考的习惯是学习最好利器,这样才能学的深,理解的透。
而阳宅三要则是提供较宽广的方向,较不重视年命,而是以房子的大门、主屋(主卧房)、灶位,三者之间的宫位生克论吉凶。九星的配置是由大门起伏位,大门不 论开在何方,永远是伏位,也就无所谓的吉与凶,其吉凶的产生,必须视主屋的灶位的配置而定。配置得当,一家大小不论东四命、西四命,皆能获福吉祥。而其灶 座的位置须压在吉方(以大门为伏位),这与东西四命、东西四宅,灶位须压凶方之最大不同。
阳宅先看大门,次看主房门,有东四西四之分。而主房却无定位,高大者即是。只要门主相生,即以吉断,相克即以凶断,此看阳宅必然之理也。至于厨灶乃养生之 所,所关甚大,第一与门相生,其次与主相生。若仅仅以厨灶为重,直断祸福,轻去门主相克之理,亦非定论。须要门主灶三者,各得其所,门生主,主生灶,灶生 门,三者互生无克或相比和又合宅主之生命之福元,则人丁大寿,福寿双全。
八宅明镜的核心内容是以人出生的年命配成命宫,分东四命与西四命。论婚姻东四命找回东四命的人做妻子或丈夫,西四命的人找回西四命的人做丈夫或妻子,这样 做就能白头到老,永不分离云云……假如东四命找了西四命的,呵呵,你等着那一天,上法庭离婚或者妻子跟别人走了,落得个半路夫妻的结局。这种配婚法我经过 研究,可靠性十分有疑问,因为我托朋友从离婚庭中找来了二十多对离婚的男女,发现符合东四命配东四命,西四命配西四命的大半,足以证明了这种婚配法之荒 谬,我曾经就此法写在一台湾的网站,此“板主”马上反对,呵呵,尊重古人是对,但我们学习东西不能狼吞虎咽,不假思考,应以继承与批判的角度去看待古人的 文化遗产。
在这里我还顺道提出一个问题,就是夫妻年命天克地冲也并不见得是凶,我去年曾经与人择日,发现一对年老夫妻的年命是天克地冲,当时我十分奇怪, 就有意地问他们,你们婚姻有没有问题?答没有,我再问你们平时关系如何,答曰我们之间可以说是村里有名的模范夫妻,看着他们的恩爱样子,我相信他们的话。 所以说,如果命局里面没有婚姻不顺的信息,凭上面的八宅明镜的婚配法和古气的白马怕青牛等断语是根本站不住脚的。
今天的主题我重点放在风水上的思考。 八宅明镜里说以年命找命宫,分东四命与西四命,比如你是东四命应找东四命的房子,灶要坐煞朝吉,即是灶要在乾坤艮兑方位面向震巽坎离的方向,西四命亦是如 此。 前几天我看了一宅风水,女主人是丁亥命,命宫落在兑。灶在离宫,坐巽向乾,符合坐煞朝吉,房间在兑宫,阳台在乾,纳乾气,结果此女主人依然病魔缠身。 记得02年,我与一患病之人风水调理,将灶摆向其年命之天医位,结果无效。 这样的例子很多,用八宅明镜的方法去调理,我发现无效的多,是我的方法错误,还是其理论不合时宜呢? 我的看法还是那一句:阴阳平衡才是风水的真谛!所以“易经”说“一阴一阳之谓道。
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tips on Finding a Good Feng Shui Consultant
1. Is he able to tell you the Feng Shui method he uses?
Most practitioners use the Eight House (Bazhai) or Flying Stars (Xuan Kong Fei Xing) method. They should also be well versed in the physical Forms aspects of your house internally and externally.
2. Does he know the Yin-Yang, Five Elements concepts very well?
All Feng Shui theories and remedies are based on this theory. Knowledge of this is necessary and it is a very basic requirement.
3. Is he knowledgeable in Chinese history and culture?
Anyone that has spent a good deal of time studying Feng Shui will definitely be reasonably good at these.
4. Is he professionally certified, or at least able to name his teacher or school?
Certificates can help verify authenticity of their knowledge but many old masters do not issue certificates also. Thus, ask about the background of his teacher or school.
5 How long and to what level did he train with his master?
6. Is he affiliated with any professional Feng Shui associations?
It will be better if he is. One needs to fit certain criteria before being accepted as a member of such professional bodies.
7. Is he able to provide any client testimonials?
If not, go online and do a search on him. Some famous masters are known to provide bad service and the clients actually share their experiences on Internet forums.
8. Does he have a reasonable quality of life?
Otherwise, it is unlikely that he or she will be able to help you since his knowledge is not helping himself.
9. Are you comfortable talking to him?
He should be sincere in helping you and you should have confidence in his abilities. The reason being he is potentially the person you will turn to for future consultation for other aspects if you find he is good in what he does.
10. Does he use a traditional Luopan (Chinese compass)?
No traditionally trained practitioners do Feng Shui without it.
11. Does he ask for the following details?
1. The birth dates of the occupants.
2. The date the building was built and date of any major renovations.
3. A proportional floor plan.
12. Does he go on-site to actually see the building?
Externally Forms have to be assessed and measurements have to be taken on-site. These cannot be done using a floor plan. Advice can be given based on the floor plan but it is very limited and can be inaccurate.
13. Is he willing and able to explain the logic behind his advice and remedies?
There is no such thing as "it's a secret" or "you wouldn't understand". You are paying good money and you are entitled to know why a certain action/remedy/advice is given to you. Their answers should satisfy your queries, making you feel confident about their skills. By the way, don’t expect every problem to have a remedy, especially for apartments. Sometimes, the only way is to move out.
14. How long does he take to audit your house on-site?
A thorough Feng Shui audit should take at least 1-2 hours. Nothing can be achieved in less than an hour. I myself take 2 hours to do an on-site audit and a 1-2 weeks after that to do up the report. A famous practitioner did it in 45 minutes but she does return for a second review.
15. Does he provide a report after the consultation?
This is necessary as there will be too many things for you to note down on the actual audit day. A report will summarized everything and acts as a guide for you to follow. This should be included in the package and shouldn’t be at an additional cost.
16. Does he suggest strange or expensive remedies?
Feng Shui should be a subtle thing. And who says it has to be expensive? Most remedies are recommended based on the five elements theory, thus the price has no standing. If he insists, he is probably just trying to sell you his products. Many Feng Shui objects are purely decorative in nature and do not have any effect on the environmental energy.
17. Are the fees competitive?
There are many Feng Shui practitioners around; hence the fees should be competitive. Exorbitant fees may mean good service but not the effectiveness.
18. Any follow-up services provided?
Auspicious date selection is important especially if you have not move in or you are going to renovate the house. As for follow-up sessions, some practitioners do it but some do not. Those who do not should make it up by the provision of a report. Some practitioners also provide a month of free follow-up consultation on the implementation of the Feng Shui remedies. Check if these services are chargeable.
Alvin Chua
Friday, October 19, 2007
Fu Lu Shou Statues
I was asked if there is any basis on the advice and frankly replied that the statues are solely for decorative purposes. The statues need to be blessed if one is to worship the deity but seldom do people worship the Fu Lu Shou in the first place. And if it were indeed blessed, the bedroom would be the last place to have the statues.
The master is healthy maybe because he has not wasted his Jing (seminal essence) for a long time due to the lack of action with his wife. Imagine doing the do with the three old folks smiling at you. Anyway, it is not in line with classical fengshui but I do not deny the possibility of the psychological factor. Maybe it does work but will require more case studies to substantiate its efficacy.
Alvin Chua
Monday, October 01, 2007
Meeting with a Master
Wilson was humble enough to share his knowledge and experiences, which is an eye-opening moment for me. It is a pity that we are short on time but nevertheless a fruitful chat (especially for me). Wilson, if you are reading this, thanks for meeting up and sharing your knowledge. Really appreciate it and also your gifts. Cheers and do visit Singapore more often.
Alvin Chua