Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Facing Direction Of A Home by Cecil Lee

1. If you are doing a Feng Shui assessment of an Apartment in the Building / Flat (Low floors ie. level 2 to level 7)
Take from the direction of your Main Door. This will be the facing of your home. For example, if from the center of the house to the main door it falls in the North-East. This house is a North-East facing house. However, if you have the habit of keeping your main door close most of the time, then use the frontage of the living room / balcony instead.
2. If you are doing a Feng Shui assessment of an Apartment in the Building / Flat (High floors ie. level 8 and onwards) Facing most likely is not where the main entrance is when this main entrance is inside the building.The Facing side is usually where most of the windows and the balcony are located because this is where most of the Qi is activated into the home. Also, when you share a building with other people, with you living on one of the floors, it may very well be that different floors have different Facings. Take from the frontage of the living room / balcony.
3. If you are doing a Feng Shui assessment of a Landed Property
Depending on your interior layout plan, you can choose the frontage of the house (usually by the living room view), or the main door which you enter.

We have to understand concepts like:
1.Facing and Sitting directions
2.The "Mouth-of-the-house".
These two are related.
For a landed property, often, the main door is assumed as the "mouth-of-the-house". Since quite-alot-of landed properties have their main entrance door facing the frontage. This is common because, often we drive-up to the front of the home. And we enter through this door. However, there are some landed properties that have their main entrance at the side of the home. For example, we drive in (deeper into the home). And after parking, the main door is at the side. The "mouth-of-the-house". Under Feng Shui, the mouth of the house is considered very important, because this is where qi comes into the home. And this qi is said to have an influence on the home. In a landed property, again, often, the main door is considered the "mouth-of-the-house". But often it is this collective main door and the frontage e.g. windows at this frontage, that is known as the facing direction. Therefore, we can understand that the facing direction is where air or majority of air is said to flow into the home. This is like when we drive an-open-top car, air literally flows at our face. And it is this majority of qi or air flow that we want to determine. And this is where, we consider the facing or mouth-of-the-house. Once we find this facing direction, the sitting direction is easy. Since it is directly opposite the facing direction.

Further to what I had mentioned, sometimes, it may be easier to determine the sitting position. Especially if there is a distinct hill or slope e.g. behind the property. We could "safely" say that the facing is directly opposite this. In Singapore, especially for the 3 room Housing and Development Board flats (HDB), we often find that we enter the apartment from the front. And it is easy to say that this is often the facing direction or the "mouth-of-the-house". However, nowadays, many apartments are squeezed so tight and clustered in a snake like formation, the main door can nearly be at any direction. For a condo or apartment, it is best to check on one's life-style habit. Does one often leave the main door open? Or close it most of the time? For many who live in a condo, I have seen majority of the residents close the main door (unless they fixed a grille at the main door). Yet, many do close this door. If we do close this door, then, it does not make much sense to say that this is the "mouth-of-the-house". Furthermore, many condos and even new HDB apartments have main doors at "odd" placement. And often, if we have to negotiate a turn into the home from the main door, most likely, this may not be the natural "facing direction". This is similiar to what I had mentioned for a landed property earlier, where if the main door is at the side. And if there are other landed properties where this main door faces the side of the neighbour's apartment, most likely this should not be the main door.
Look at it this way, countries like Singapore and Hong Kong have majority of their residents staying in an apartment (condo or HDB) and Feng Shui for apartments is quite modern. And as mentioned above, the main door can be located at very odd locations and it should not be construde as the main door. I believe, many of such practitioners either live in the stone age or most likely wear spectacles but if one peers closely at their spectacles, these spectacles have "tunnel vision lens". Therefore, check to see where is most likely the "mouth-of-the-house". And in many of the common approaches are:
1. If the home has four sides of windows, try to figure out, firstly which side has more light. The idea of more light is more practical than the amount of wind coming into a home.
2. More light would often suggest, that there are more floor area of window or the mouth-of-the house.
3. To use the amount of wind blowing into the windows etc.. may not be an exact science, since, high /low pressures within a day can differ. Therefore, wind can blow from any side of the home at any given time. This is particuarly true for an island like Singapore, which is surrounded by water. And it is said that in a high pressure days, air circulate either clock-wise or anti-clockwise for low pressure days.

The idea that the higher one's apartment is, we should take the reading from the balcony or the location where most light comes in makes more sense also. Many people feel that when our apartment goes as high as 6, 7 or 8th storeys, and if we do see much light coming thru, here, then this should be the mouth-of-the house. However, if one lives in a highrise, and if our views are blocked by an immediate neigbhouring block and if we have the habit to open the main door (leaving it open most of the time), then, even if at a higher storey, we could then perhaps, use this as the main door. Given, the above examples, one can therefore see that there is no right or wrong answers. More importantly, if you do check on a practitioner, check to see if the practitioner use the term "IT DEPENDS". If so, the practitioner is most likely a better practitioner - who does not go for only one method. If the practitioner - says that every other method is WRONG! It must be the main door, please steer clear of this "dead-wood", myopic practitioner! Unfortunately, there are many of these in Singapore. It shows how inflexible, such people are.

Feng Shui was developed at the time where there were few if any highrise. And, it is very sad to say that many of such schools, feel that only their method is RIGHT and sometimes, these practitioners will quote some famous practitioners dead or alive. Who cares, do remember the fundamentals and we are better off.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Change Your Luck Part 1










  每一位做生意的人,谁不想财源滚滚,马上飞黄腾达?上班族也想职位与薪水步步高升,但总是天不从人愿,没关系,这里教你一招「吸财大法」,只要照以下方法做两个「运财盘」,包管你日日见财,赚得「嘴笑目笑」。「运财盘」的做法可不简单哦,首先你要准备两个圆形盘子,最好是瓷盘;买一张黄色或粉红色、咖啡色的纸,剪出二张垫纸,在上面画个太极图;再剪两张小红纸,上面写「为我生财」四个字,落款写出你的生辰八字;接著准备 184 枚十元铜板(因为 要分放成两盘,下同);32 枚五十铜板;铜板要先放在阳台外「冻露水」(让它接触露水),再用盐米洗过,即可分开放入盘中。先把垫纸放在盘底,中央放「为我生财」小红纸,把 16 枚五十元铜板按正反相对方式,一组一组放在中央(成八组,寓含八卦意思),再用 92 枚十元铜板也是用正反相 合方式 放进盘中,最後会把五十元铜板全盖住。拿来 12 颗五色豆(红豆、黑豆、黄豆、绿豆、花豆),每盘各 6 颗五色豆,以罗盘在房子中间的中心点,量出房子的艮方(东北方)和巽方(东南方),在那里做个 2.9 尺的木柜,把「运财盘」放进柜内,即算大功告成。企业老板可放在办公室,上班族则放在自己家里。


现代工商社会,大家忙於工作或事业,常把终身大事荒废了,以至结婚率下降,孤男寡女满街都是,能四目交接迸出爱的火花的真是少之又少,别急,试一试这招「招引桃花秘法」。先去找来一个裸女或裸男,陶瓷的、木雕的、石雕的、水晶的都可以,越像越好,如果真的找不到,把芭比娃娃的衣服脱下来也成,男性要用裸女;女性要用裸男,脚要放开开,不可交叉或盘坐。接著拿个小浴缸或床,只要形状很像就可以,把小娃娃平放躺在床上或浴缸中,放在一个圆盘上,中间夹一张小红纸,写:「为我造姻缘」;床的右边(龙边)平放一个 1.5 寸的小罗盘,指针必须指著卯酉方,在小娃娃的私处放一朵花,愈艳丽愈好,如红玫瑰,叶子如有刺要把它修齐整。一切就绪之後,用罗盘量出房子的子、午、卯、酉或中央的位置,任择一处放好,最好别让外人看到,如床下、桌下、橱下都行,在酉时(下午五点到七点间)放入,口念「为 我造姻缘」咒语,每天检视一遍,花若枯了就换新的,若已有人来求婚,花必须改换黄色或紫色,才不会遭其他桃花来干扰。大约十天之後即可见效。目的达到之後就不要再用,但担任公关职务人员则可天天使用,因人可催助人缘。



(3):然后用手拿针再在中指上滚动, 男滚左手,女滚右手,滚毕将针刺向中指尖,刺出血后,用中指上的血在鸡蛋的大头中心划个十字,再将针从十字交叉点扎入鸡蛋内,使针外露三分之一 。


求 财 法
在子时(自晚上11点至零晨 1点),将面粉加水揉成面团,然後用瓶盖压出一个圆形,上方用小铁钉钻一小孔,一面刻上"金"字,另一面刻上姓名和出生年月日,然後在刻字的部份撒上金粉。待完成乾後,穿过红绳,挂在自己常出入的通道上方。但此法只可维持一年,一年之後必须重制。







去 霉 运 法
选定一天的子时(晚上十一点到清晨一点,最好是生日 除夕,或任何季节的时候,如:春至 秋分),拿一颗煮熟的鸡蛋,蛋过手後就不要给其他人看到,随後在手心中放一点朱砂,和九十九滴新开的米酒和匀之後,抹在蛋壳上,然後找一个露天地方把蛋吃掉,最後朝家相反的方向走一百步,把蛋壳高高的抛掉,就可以将坏运抛到脑後,烟消云散!
